Sunday, October 24, 2010


Dear Guys, I just wanna say Im sorry cuz Im the barrier that doesnt let you guys go on outings . Seriously, I feel EXTREMELY bad about it . I just dont know what to do . I just feel that my mum's EXTREMELY UNREASONABLE . Okay, not so unreasonable but the point is, its getting near to the results day and we did not even go out together . Besides the Causeway thingy . Nikita, I know you are mad and Im also mad too you know ? I just cannot do ANYTHING ! I just cant explain it at all ! ='''''( ! Im sorry ....

Thursday, October 14, 2010

To Ditto: I don't know la. But suddenly Afiqah and Su with you at recess today really angered me. You cakap you hate her, benci her, she's a bitch. What you said wasn't what you did. I am looking at this matter from a different angle now la. I told you and Nab that I knew we would be friends forever, keep in touch even in sec school. But now, none of you are actually doing anything to keep that promise alive.

~And if you are a spy, don't push your luck.
Hey guys . I just wanna say that Im sorry for Nab's hand and I feel like I wanna confess to Mrs Nair , I wanna tell the the WHOLE story except the part where we go to the park . And I wanna ask Nikita if you reallly hate me cuz that post on FB(my post) is abt you ... So I need a response from you guys abt the confessing and a response from Niki .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thanks for the memories... I wanna let this blog be our personal "playground". Okay???
I know Ditto's mum doesn't allow him to go to a bad school. But, SERIOUSLY. What the hell is BAD about Riverside? Oh God!!! The damn aggregate for express stream is 229-253. OK WHAAAT. Ishhhhh.

~Long story short, this blog shall be our way of keeping close to one another. :> In secondary school, we can keep in touch with one another through blogging! We can talk about life, or organise outings!!! :DD So fun. Okok... Good luck for PSLE! Friendship remains and never can end! ( Short: F.R.A.N.C.E )

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Okay... I have thought of a plan to make THAT group jealous. Here it is:

~On Wednesday after school, the three of us should go out to Cathay Cineplex and watch a movie. After that go shopping somewhere far away from Woodlands. Then take pictures of ourselves having fun and post on Facebook. Then those brats will see the pictures and feel jealous, because personally, I don't think Vasalissa's parents will allow her to go to SNOW CITY, OMNI THEATRE AND SCIENCE CENTRE, right?! They will say, "So far, yaya! Don't go so far!" or blah blah blah. Even if they allow it, confirm got curfew mah...

~As for all three of them, I know with their Malayish parents and Nico's constant mother's nagging (just give birth right? very stress, so will nag alot), I know they cannot possibly enjoy themselves with a selfish time limit from their parents.

~Up to you guys to decide. -Kakak Verity

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hey SISTAS ! Im thinking of going to the NIGHT SAFARI , after PSLE but I dont think any of us can make it :( Well, youll never know until you try ! Give me suggestions on where to go ! I dont wanna waste this hell of a break ! Go wild guys come on ! - Hy

Hope We Keep In Touch :(

Hey guys, I have BAD news :( My mum discourages me to go to Riverside sec. She wants me to go to a GOOD school . Im saying if you all manage to go to Riverside, congrats :D But if I dont, I hope we'll keep in touch as long as we can :D I want us to be the first I'll ever heard of people being in touch for a long time. Its cuz I heard that once you get into another school, youll make new friends, and kind of be a LITTLE bit of a stranger to your old friends, Im not saying you cant make friends Im just hoping youll never forget us ! :D And Nab, dont be a Minah when you go to Sec School :) -DITTO :D